Grid information in Eduard

Click on the row of buttons in the lower right window corner or use the View menu (at the top of your screen) to see detailed information about a grid.

Values at the pointer position

Move the mouse pointer over a location on the shading to see the elevation and slope. 

If the grid has a spatial coordinate reference system, you can click on XY or DEG to switch between projected XY coordinates and spherical degrees coordinates.

Grid size

Grid extent

If the grid has a spatial coordinate reference system, you can click on XY or DEG to switch between projected XY coordinates and spherical degree coordinates.


Move the mouse pointer over a location on the grid to see its elevation in the histogram.

Below is a typical elevation histogram of an area with a few high peaks. The two oblique parallel lines on the far left of this histogram indicate a histogram peak that has been truncated because it represents a large number of values.

Use the histogram to locate outliers. If a histogram shows a sequence of empty intervals, the grid likely contains outliers, which may result in a poor shading. You can  clip outliers  to improve the shading.

Grid file