Export a coordinate system (.prj file) in Eduard
Choose File (at the top of your screen) > Export Coordinate System to create a .prj file with information describing the coordinate system, which may include a projection.
Select one of these formats:
WKT 1 is the Well Known Text interchange format version 1 for spatial coordinate systems. This format is recommended to exchange coordinate systems with legacy software that does not support the WKT 2 format.
WKT 2 is the Well Known Text interchange format version 2 for spatial coordinate systems. This is the recommended format for exchanging coordinate systems with other software.
PROJJSON is a JSON format used by the PROJ library and software using this library.
When creating a coordinate system file for an existing image or grid file, the names of the two files—except for the file extensions—must be identical. The image or grid file and the .prj file must be placed in the same directory.
See also