Clip elevation values in Eduard

Extreme  outlier  elevations in a grid result in a poor shading. A histogram of elevation values helps you to identify outliers: If a histogram contains a sequence of empty intervals, the grid likely contains outliers.

Clip outlier elevations

Exporting a grid with clipped elevations

When you  export a grid  with clipped elevation values to a new grid file, the clipped elevations are exported.

Example 1: Replace small outlier elevations

In the example below, the grid contains extreme negative outliers, which result in a poor shading. The smallest outlier is at -7,286.03 m. The histogram shows that valid elevations are between an approximate lower elevation of 185 m and the upper maximum elevation of 4,628.62 m. The histogram contains many empty intervals, which are highlighted in blue. The lower threshold was set to 185 m to replace all outliers smaller than an elevation of 185 with an elevation of 185 m.

Example 2: Replace large outlier elevations

In the example below, the grid contains extreme positive outliers, which also result in a poor shading. The histogram shows that valid elevations are between mean sea level (0 elevation) and approximately 740 m. The upper threshold was set by dragging the right yellow handle to a value of 743.22 m and values greater than this value are replaced with an elevation of 743.22 m.

See also

Crop a grid

Resample a grid

Void values

Export a grid